Monday, May 16, 2011

Switching to Tumblr

I'm switching my thoughts to a different website! Here's the link Ni Chicha Ni Limonada Hope to see you all there!

Todo Cambia - Mercedes Sosa

Todo cambia
Realmente los humanos somos seres un poco extraños. Canta la Negra que todo en este mundo cambia. Y es verdad. Somos seres que constantemente buscamos formas de re-inventarnos, de mejorarnos. Desde lo más superficial hasta lo más profundo. Desde le cirugía plástica y las horas en el gimnasio hasta los libros de filosofías nuevas e innovadoras o citas con algún psicólogo.

A pesar de esto a veces somos un poco tercos y nos aferramos al pasado con nostalgia, a lo que nos hace sentir seguros y cómodos. “Pero no cambia mi amor por mas lejos que me encuentre ni el recuerdo, ni el dolor de mi pueblo y de mi gente. Y lo que cambio ayer, tendrá que cambiar mañana, así como cambio yo en esta tierra lejana.”

“Cambia, todo cambia.” No podemos mantenernos en un estado de paralización, no podemos congelar el tiempo. Tenemos que cambiar, madurar, evolucionar, crecer.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Entre Nos

Entre nos,
Les cuento estas verdades
El tiempo no lo cura todo
El corazón es traicionero
Y en momentos de gran aguacero
Nos vamos a encontrar
Sin paraguas
Sin refugio
Sin nada más que un coctel
De ira y lágrimas
Los labios rojos
Los ojos hinchados
Y nuestros pechos inflados
De cólera y angustia
Por que no somos muy racionales
Sino muy complejos
A pesar de lo antes aprendido
Incesantemente caminamos
Las sendas que previamente
Suscitaron lo antes mencionado

Friday, May 6, 2011

Un poco de consideración por favor

Siempre he sido una persona que pone mucho a valor a la vida de los animales. De niña siempre soñé con ser veterinaria. Lloraba al ver tantos perros en la calle sin techo ni comida. Nunca fui a los toros con mis padres. Siempre me pareció un deporte de tortura y sin piedad. No entiendo mucho sobre la cultura taurina. No voy a discutir mi posición sobre si se debe tener corridas de toros o no. Lo que si voy a mencionar son las prioridades que debemos tener como seres humanos.

Con respecto a la pregunta en esta consulta popular #3 me parece un poco fuera de proporción la cantidad de controversia, discusión y atención que ha tenido este tema. Por favor, si vamos a pelear por los derechos de alguien alcemos las manos y gritemos por los derechos de los seres humanos. En el Ecuador tenemos problemas mucho mas graves que son ignorados diariamente.

Consideren que hay niños que duermen en las calles todas las noches.
Consideren a las madres que ven morir a sus hijos por falta de atención medica.
Consideren a todas las mujeres, jóvenes y niñas que son golpeadas, violadas y vendidas sin voz ni voto.
Consideren a sus vecinos que por falta de trabajo no pueden dar de comer a su familia.
Consideren a los niños que compran drogas por que sus padres trabajan día y noche.
Consideren por favor la vida humana.

Por favor les ruego revisemos prioridades y antes de atender los derechos de los animales aseguremos que estamos haciendo TODO lo posible por defender los derechos de los seres humanos.

La maternidad ya queda pequeña
Las escalavas oculats por plásticos de invernaderos
Cierre vial afecta los negocios

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Irreplaceable Things We Lose

I've been having trouble writing the last couple of days. I've been wanting to write a short story and finding some inspiration has been a little hard. So last night I decided to dig up one my old projects. It was a 30 page story that I started writing when I was about 15 or 16. It's gone. There is no trace of it on my computer or my back ups. I can't remember ever deleting it or even having a reason to delete it. So its a mystery that might never be solved unless it one day magically appears somewhere.

I loose things quite a bit. I lost a set of rings my grandma gave me when I was about 12. Though I still think about it, I've come to terms with it. Losing material things is not such a big deal even if they're irreplaceable. But losing something you've worked on for a long time is just heartbreaking.

This is the second time I lose something this year. Or rather mourn something I lost this year. When I was about 15 I got a notebook to write my thoughts. In it there were several poems, rants, thoughts, stories, ideas and what not. I keep everything I write. About two years ago I packed it up into a little carry on to go with my movies, some books, a pillow and a blanket. Boarded a plane and didn't give it another thought. I forgot I had packed said notebook in this carry on. I've been looking for it for the last 2 years and just couldn't figure out what happened to it. And then I remembered where I had seen it last. The damn carry on I packed so I wouldn't get bored while sitting around on a 12 hour layover before my plane crashed!

UGH! Losing this kind of stuff makes me so mad and sad and frustrated and I just want to scream!

I'm sure this post doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm just trying to vent and get it out there.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The burn, I feels it

Working out is a pain for a lot of people. Most of the time its really hard for me to find the motivation to actually get started. But... "I never regret it when I do it, but I always regret it when I don't." David McDonald Vinson.

Today was no different, it was a struggle to get started. And I was looking for a little challenge. My friend Anna hand mentioned this website; a little bit ago and I decided to give it a try. Good grief this girl will kick your butt!

So if you want some motivation and your muscles to feel like jelly, try one of her work outs. I promise you, it will hurt!

Modern Day Parenting

Here I am cooking some lunch and my apartment filled up with smoke from some slightly burnt onion. So I walk over to our porch to open the sliding door and notice a dad and a little boy playing baseball across the street. It made me smile. And then I noticed the dad was actually talking on the phone. That was about 20 minutes ago. I just re-checked and he's still on the phone.

Parents today, making their children proud one day at a time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A treadmill, my bum knee and some Nutella banana bread

I've been running a lot over the last couple of months. I personally like the treadmill. A lot of runners don't like the treadmill, I love it because its easy to monitor my speed and how I keep improving. I started walking at 3.5mph in October and I'm currently running at 7mph for about 25 minutes almost every day.

Sometimes its really hard to get motivated to get on the treadmill and just go. But once I get moving I just feel so cleansed, energized, motivated, inspired and just plain awesome. Its helped me not only physically, but also emotionally.

Well, I love running. I got myself on that treadmill today and my knee started hurting. I had to cut my run short by 10 minutes. I tried pushing through it. But I had to just stop before I completely injured my knee. It was incredibly frustrating, I just wanted to keep going.

But what can you do about it. Sometimes you just gotta stop and take a rest. Instead of worrying too much about it, I'm gonna ice my knee, get some rest, have some of my very delicious banana bread with Nutella and get on that treadmill tomorrow.

I don't know, and I don't need to know

I've recently been browsing the CNN page on a regular basis and I've come across this very marvelous columnist; LZ Granderson. The first article I read of his was Parents, don't dress your girls like trampsParents, don't dress your girls like tramps which was fantastic. So when I saw Why I believe in God by the same author it really caught my eye. As I read the article I became thoroughly uninterested. Another opinion about this Rob Bell book. I haven't read it, I quite frankly have no interest in reading it. Not because I believe its wrong or right or blessed by God or cursed by Him, but because I don't define my faith by the numerous Christian opinionated authors who claim to have interpreted the Bible in the right way.

However I did finish reading the article and this phrase really caught my eye;

"To admit doubt removes the arrogance of certainty prevalent in so many evangelical Christians and atheists alike and replaces it with the humility -- and even peace -- that comes with not knowing the answers. I do not find the mystery to represent the absence of God but rather his presence." LZ Granderson
What about powerful truth. We do not have all the answers, we can't possibly have all the answers and the most important at all is we don't NEED to have all the answers!

"One of the biggest problems with religion in general, and evangelical Christianity in particular, is the claim of having definitive answers about an infinite being. But true faith does not require us to have all of the answers. Faith, as it relates to spirituality, isn't knowing something others don't know -- we call that a secret -- but rather belief in something that can't be empirically proven or disproven." LZ Granderson

God does not require us to have all the answers. How liberating. All He asks of us is that we trust our whole lives into His hands by accepting Him as our Lord and Savior.

A Lesson to be Re-Learned - Psalm 23

As I graduated from high school and moved into my college life I had a little too much confidence, a little too much wisdom and a little too much freedom. I (in all my wisdom) knew I did not need Christ or God or church or anything of that sort. All I needed was my friends, my philosophical and world view enlightening new classes, my very cool boyfriend and an early morning beer. But, I was wrong. Everything came crumbling down around me. The usual drama. The point is that after about six months of positively and very effectively destroying myself, God finally and very lovingly poured a cold bucket of ice water over me.

The lesson I learned was that in my hands and under my control my life would essentially break into so many pieces that I would never be able to put them back together again. I was being spread out too thin. I was weak and helpless and the only one who could ever help me was Him. This prompted my journey as His daughter. I no longer rejected Him, but embraced Him.

Over the years I got distracted. Though I never stopped believing and knowing that He is God. But I, again got a little too confident and wise.

Due to plane crash in 2008 I live with PTSD. Over time I have overcome quite a bit and I'm very grateful for that.  But PTSD is not something that just goes away. I struggle with nightmares and insomnia (its currently 2am.) I will unexpectedly break into tears at the mention of a plane crash. I very often have panic attacks while driving or in a car depending on the conditions (usually high winds make it worse.) Amongst many other terrors. The more I try to take a hold of my life and PTSD the harder it gets, the weaker I feel and the more I fail.

And then I remember my story and the lesson I learned. I have not the power to overcome anything on my own, but through God I can overcome anything. Psalm 23 (specifically verse 4)

 1 The Lord is my shepherd;
      I have all that I need.
 2 He lets me rest in green meadows;
      he leads me beside peaceful streams.
    3 He renews my strength.
   He guides me along right paths,
      bringing honor to his name.
 4 Even when I walk
      through the darkest valley,[a]
   I will not be afraid,
      for you are close beside me.
   Your rod and your staff
      protect and comfort me.
 5 You prepare a feast for me
      in the presence of my enemies.
   You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
      My cup overflows with blessings.
 6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
      all the days of my life,
   and I will live in the house of the Lord

No More Picking Teams

I grew up in the midst of many Christian denominations. Mainly Lutheran and Catholic and eventually Evangelical. I've had countless and exhausting discussions about theology and theory, about wrong and right, about doctrine. I've read many books by many Christian authors, I've been taught by Christian teachers. I've been to so many churches I can't even count them with both my hands and my toes. Gosh, I even went to Bible school for a year. Everybody has an opinion.

What has all this really done to Christianity? In my opinion, it makes us all look a little ridiculous. I feel like I'm part of a sport (take your pick; baseball, soccer, football) where we all have a team and we all cheer for ourselves and chant jeers against the others. How silly. And how wrong: Mark 7:6-7 But it isn't really about us, is it? Its about God: Psalm 146: 5-9/ 1 Chronicles 29:11-14

There are some skewed views of what Jesus taught. And I truly believe that one day those who twist and turn what He meant for us will answer to God. But they will not answer to us. So what do we do? Do we close our mouths and let the havoc reign over us? Heck no! But I'm positive we're not going to gain anything by discussing the matter or writing books and having debates about it.

The question is what are we called to do?

Luke 4:18-19
Zechariah 7:9-10
Isaiah 58

We're called to honor Him. To do as He did. To love as He did. To follow Him. Its not complicated, but its not easy.

So I refuse to take a part in this cheering and jeering. I'm just going to follow Him.

Monday, April 25, 2011

One Uninvited Little Monster

In the past I never had major problems sleeping. About two and a half years ago I was in an accident that prompted nightmares and some serious sleeping issues that required some medication to help me sleep.

I have been able to recover from this accident in many ways and have overcome many hurdles along the way. But like many people who have lived the torments of PTSD I have re-occurring episodes of which I have absolutely no control of and no warning.

Lately it's been a struggle. I fall asleep just fine. I'm at peace and comfortable in my bed. Suddenly I'm awake, terrified, breathing heavily and sometime I'm in tears. I know that whatever it is I was dreaming woke me up. But I never remember what it is the dream was.

I write this now just to get it out. I'm awake, when less than two hours ago I was blissfully falling asleep. I'm frustrated. I'm angry. I'm scared. I'm exhausted. I feel defeated. Just one of the many terrors that pop into my life uninvited.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ni Permiso, Ni Perdón, Gracias a Dios

A muchos no les va a gustar mi tatuaje. Pero me hice un tatuaje para complacer al resto del mundo, sino para mi.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

TOO wholes that are killing my soul

I've always been a writer. I journal. I vent on paper. I write poems. I write stories. I just write all them time. Lately I've found myself finding it impossible to put words on paper, on screen, even on a simple napkin. I can't write what I feel, what I think. And now I can’t.

I can't write because
too angry
too sad
too frustrated

too confused

too polite
too concerned
too afraid
too enraged
too tired

too overwhelmed

too divided

too stimulated
too bored
too lost

too emotional

too alone
too trapped
too proud
too mournful
too regretful
too anxious
too depressed
too embarrassed
too guilty
too hateful

too apathetic

too annoyed


I feel as if I would explode

Sunday, April 3, 2011

La chispa que empieza la explocion

Aquí vengo con todo lo que tengo. Con ira. Con frustración. Con una frueza que no vas a poder detener. Hazte a un lado por que no vas a poder detenereme. No vas a poder enterender. Solo salte de mi camino y dejame salir de aquí. Ya no aguanto más. Me voy a dormir por ahora.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! (Cabaret)

Por el momento me encuentro son pasión, sin dirección y sin identidad. Me siento todos los días a buscar alguna razón. Pero a pesar de grandes esfuerzos para ejercitar mi creatividad sigo aquí sentada, frustrada y cansada.

En este último año he desarrollado un tedio por este ente llamado internet. Es un virus que invade el tiempo que tenemos, abriendo puertas a nuestras vidas que poco a poco se vuelven pesadillas. A pesar de esto voy a experimentar. Un blog tal vez será la forma de desahogar y destapar la vida que siento se me escapa por los dedos. 

Así que gracias a la inspiración del gran autor de otro blog ( también conocido como el Tata, Bernardo o mi hermano con esta pequeña introducción empieza otro paseo que probablemente esta igual de jodido.