Saturday, April 30, 2011

Modern Day Parenting

Here I am cooking some lunch and my apartment filled up with smoke from some slightly burnt onion. So I walk over to our porch to open the sliding door and notice a dad and a little boy playing baseball across the street. It made me smile. And then I noticed the dad was actually talking on the phone. That was about 20 minutes ago. I just re-checked and he's still on the phone.

Parents today, making their children proud one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful. And we wonder why so many of us have trouble knowing that we are loved and worth the time and effort.

    The best advice I have ever received as a parent was to know that you are the example of God (The Father) to your child. We must remember that the way we show our child they are loved is the way they will believe God loves and cares for them.

    I would much rather my child have a healthy understanding of the love of a parent then have to wait till they are grow to try and "figure it out"

    Even us parents are still sinners so this will always be a work in progress but remembering that you are a picture of God's love to your child really does help.

    If I (as a child) am not important enough, interesting enough, exciting enough... to keep your attention, why would I think God thinks I am?!?!
