Saturday, April 16, 2011

TOO wholes that are killing my soul

I've always been a writer. I journal. I vent on paper. I write poems. I write stories. I just write all them time. Lately I've found myself finding it impossible to put words on paper, on screen, even on a simple napkin. I can't write what I feel, what I think. And now I can’t.

I can't write because
too angry
too sad
too frustrated

too confused

too polite
too concerned
too afraid
too enraged
too tired

too overwhelmed

too divided

too stimulated
too bored
too lost

too emotional

too alone
too trapped
too proud
too mournful
too regretful
too anxious
too depressed
too embarrassed
too guilty
too hateful

too apathetic

too annoyed


I feel as if I would explode


  1. chuso.... y dónde te entra todo ese "too"? levántate un día, trota hasta que vomites, báñate unas 2 horitas en agua tibia, sal a la ventana, mira al cielo y agradece todo lo que Dios te da... luego ríete y escribe....

  2. Si yo supiera como y donde me entran todo ese "too" seria maravilloso. Sabes que tu sugerencia me ayudó mucho. Osea no salí a correr hasta vomitar pero si estoy corriendo un monton. Y cada vez que me ejercito me siento mucho mejor y me dan ganas de escribir cosas. Veamos como me va. Un beso!
