I've been having trouble writing the last couple of days. I've been wanting to write a short story and finding some inspiration has been a little hard. So last night I decided to dig up one my old projects. It was a 30 page story that I started writing when I was about 15 or 16. It's gone. There is no trace of it on my computer or my back ups. I can't remember ever deleting it or even having a reason to delete it. So its a mystery that might never be solved unless it one day magically appears somewhere.
I loose things quite a bit. I lost a set of rings my grandma gave me when I was about 12. Though I still think about it, I've come to terms with it. Losing material things is not such a big deal even if they're irreplaceable. But losing something you've worked on for a long time is just heartbreaking.
This is the second time I lose something this year. Or rather mourn something I lost this year. When I was about 15 I got a notebook to write my thoughts. In it there were several poems, rants, thoughts, stories, ideas and what not. I keep everything I write. About two years ago I packed it up into a little carry on to go with my movies, some books, a pillow and a blanket. Boarded a plane and didn't give it another thought. I forgot I had packed said notebook in this carry on. I've been looking for it for the last 2 years and just couldn't figure out what happened to it. And then I remembered where I had seen it last. The damn carry on I packed so I wouldn't get bored while sitting around on a 12 hour layover before my plane crashed!
UGH! Losing this kind of stuff makes me so mad and sad and frustrated and I just want to scream!
I'm sure this post doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm just trying to vent and get it out there.
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